A Personal Conclusion

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Urgency is Paramount

Our present day ecclesiology has muted and subjugated our mission zeal. I believe we must urgently refocus the stewardship of the saved to care for the lost through prayer, witness, and personal involvement. In 1973, one gentile reached me, a Jew. Now this Jew is urging the church to get back to the Bible and reach those who are lost before it is too late. There are great opportunities available with God‘s help!

We pray for His blessing on this important work. He has said that He would bless those who bless the Jewish people (Gn 12:3), and there is no greater blessing than the blessing of the Gospel. Never before have we needed so desperately God‘s blessing on our work. As has so often been the case, the answer may well be with how we respond to God‘s call to reach the Jewish people.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for this is God’s power for salvation for all who believe, To the Jew first...

Excerpted from A Case for Romans 1:16...Again! by Steve Cohen
