
A modern multi-colored stained glass window.

Last month, I had the privilege of leading a Christ in the Passover at St. James Lutheran Church in Baltimore, MD. The saints gathered there were very welcoming and asked great questions as we enjoyed the experience and learned together...

Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live? (Ez. 18:23, ESV).


I am still new to leading these events, but each time I lead them, I find something new and exciting in the story of God’s grace and how it points us to the love of God in Yeshua. But something new stood out to me in a powerful way. If you’ve ever done a Passover Seder before, you know that there is a part of the ceremony where you remove a drop of wine for each of the Ten Plagues in grief over the death and suffering of the Egyptians. One person at the seder in Baltimore commented, “Even our salvation has a note of somberness to it because there is sorrow over all who are not also saved.”

The service phrases it this way: “As we rejoice at our deliverance from slavery, we acknowledge that our freedom was hard-earned. We regret that our freedom came at the cost of the Egyptians’ suffering, for we are all human beings made in the image of God.” And later when discussing the drowning of Pharaoh’s chariots it says, “The angels then sang God's praises. But He [God] rebuked them, ‘The work of my hands, the creatures to whom I gave life, are drowned. When I weep because they are dead, do you sing praises to Me who slew them?’"(Sanhedrin 39b). God does not take pleasure in anyone dying in their sin, He delights when people come to know the gift of Eternal life and forgiveness in Yeshua.

As we celebrate the Passover and how Jesus has fulfilled it, may our celebration of the Passover also become an encouragement to us to pray for the salvation of all, to pray even for our enemies that they too may come to know the salvation of God, and to seek ways to share the hope and love of Yeshua with those God places in our lives.

So, as you celebrate the Easter season and Passover take time to pray for all those who do not yet know the Gospel of Yeshua that the Lord would send people to share this hope for them. And, as hard as it is, pray also for those who persecute the Church, that they would have an encounter with the Lord like St. Paul on the road to Damascus.

If you have the opportunity to enjoy a Passover Seder at church or with Jewish friends, take the opportunity to prayerfully see what stands out to you and feel free to ask questions about how the Exodus account applies to your life of faith today. God’s Word is always relevant! And questions are always a great way of learning together.

Remember that the greatest joy of heaven will be seeing our Lord face to face. But the second great joy of heaven will be celebrating with all those who have been saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. May that truth spur us on to sharing the hope that we have with others and inviting people to “come and see” all that our Lord has done for their salvation.

Prayer requests and upcoming travel:

  • That I would have continued creativity and zeal in my mission with the Apple of His Eye and as a pastor.
  • That the Lord would guide discussions and planning on building a team to work with me here in Northern New Jersey.
  • Safe travel as I go to speak at Redeemer in Elmhurst, IL, to speak at Good Shepherd in Lincoln, NE, and to the LCJE Conference in Denver.


Pastor Peiser

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