Jewish and Lutheran

Three colored crosses one behind the other.

The Question

As you all know, I am a pastor in the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (hereafter the LCMS) and a Jewish believer in Jesus. What many may not know is that this dual reality often results in a lot of questions from people. Being a Jewish believer in Jesus is already a place of curiosity for people.

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The Fruit of Relationship

A collage of colorful oranges.

As many of you know, I serve as a pastor and a front-line missionary in New Jersey. I have had the blessing of meeting with other Christians for regular prayer, evangelism, and outreach to our community...

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From Death to Life

A watercolor of an angel blowing a trumpet.

I have always been struck by that passage where Jesus wept because as we keep reading, we see that Jesus knew not only that Lazarus would be raised on the last day but also that Jesus would raise Lazarus later that day!...

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Two birds wishing one another happy Purim from different perches in a tree.

One of the holidays that we will be celebrating in March is the Holiday of Purim. Purim is from the Hebrew Word for "lots" (see Esther 3:7; 9:20-22). Purim is a holiday that commemorates the time when God delivered the people of Israel from the evil plot of Haman, an Haman was the royal vizier to Persian king Ahasuerus, who was planning to have all of Persia's Jewish subjects killed...

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