Joy, Joy, Joy

The word "joy" in colorful letters.

When was the last time you were surprised by joy during worship? Do you find your time in corporate gatherings more an act of routine than one of zeal before the Lord? Look at the faces of those around you. Do they reflect happiness and joy or a stoic resolve to get by another Sunday service?

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Let's Go Fishing

Fish swimming in a watercolor stream and avoiding lures.

While I was living in Jerusalem, I produced a monthly newspaper for women (although men read it also). I opened it up for submissions, and the wife of a UN worker there wrote the following...

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Jewish and Lutheran

Three colored crosses one behind the other.

The Question

As you all know, I am a pastor in the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (hereafter the LCMS) and a Jewish believer in Jesus. What many may not know is that this dual reality often results in a lot of questions from people. Being a Jewish believer in Jesus is already a place of curiosity for people.

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A man inside a colored light bulb holding his arms wide to represent empowerment.graphic of a page from a calendar.

The day of Pentecost is marked on May 28th this year. This is one of three “let’s go up to Jerusalem” festivals the Lord gave to Israel in Leviticus 23. This initial purpose was to bring up the portion of the wheat harvest to replenish the storehouses for the Priests who ministered on behalf of the rest of Israel. Initially, it was an agricultural festival. Over time, Pentecost (Shavuot – which means weeks) became associated with the giving of the law to Moses on Mt. Sinai fifty days after the Exodus. The day is traditionally celebrated by studying Torah all night (or late into the night), eating dairy products, attending synagogue, reading the Book of Ruth, and abstaining from work.

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