Basic Jewish Teaching: The Calendar

A graphic of a page from a calendar.

The Jewish calendar is really two calendars in one. The civil year and New Year begin in September, the month of Tishre. The religious year begins with the month of Nissan, March or April. The first month of the civil calendar falls on the seventh month of the religious calendar...

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From Death to Life

A watercolor of an angel blowing a trumpet.

I have always been struck by that passage where Jesus wept because as we keep reading, we see that Jesus knew not only that Lazarus would be raised on the last day but also that Jesus would raise Lazarus later that day!...

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Live the Dash

A tall grave marker.

When I lived in Paris, I was in the 14th arrondissement (division) of the city. I lived approximately four city blocks from the Montparnasse cemetery. This cemetery is the second largest in Paris and consists of 47 acres. It almost had a park-like atmosphere and hundreds of people walked through the cemetery daily--including me...

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Jewish Identity

A series of four muticolored hands surrounding a start of David.A multicolored menorah.

Frequently, as I have had the opportunity to minister in various congregations, I have asked people, ‘What do you think it means to be Jewish?’ People tell me that being Jewish is being part of the chosen people. Or that it is a person who has the Jewish religion. Or that it is a person who does not believe in Jesus...

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