The Remnants

Paige Heinricy

Father and Mother sent me away, for it was no longer safe to stay

I do not know the cause of this outburst of violence falling over my land...

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Time to Get Serious

Colorful fish swimmng in a lake.

The Apple of His Eye Mission Society focuses on personal evangelism and teaching others how to do the same. Steve and I have been at this for over a combined 92 years. I have had the personal joy of winning others the savior and witnessing them doing the same...

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Witnessing 101+

A blue word bubble composed of religious symbols.

Y’shua called us to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. He also empowers us with his Holy Spirit giving us the get up and go needed to speak to those facing a Christless eternity before it is too late for them...

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Save, Guide, Love the Children

A series of children's hands raised to ask a question.

When my children were 6, 4, and 2 years old, I taught them Psalm 1. They memorized it together one summer, and we repeated it often so it would be embedded in their hearts. I drew pictures of the passage on poster boards since the youngest could not read yet and we did this every morning before play and after breakfast...

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Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

A map of Israel.

While I was at the LCJE conference in Denver, one of the presentations that we heard was by an Israeli missionary who was talking about life in Israel in the aftermath of October 7th. It was heartbreaking to hear...

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