Written by Bob Roegner.
Have you ever needed a reminder...no, a wake-up call, that everything happening around you might not be as bad as it seems? In this day of living through a world pandemic, it can be a tremendous challenge to see things as positive!
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Written by Kristi Roegner.
For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. (Lev. 25:3-4)
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Written by Steve Cohen.
Did you ever get the “fixer-upper” bug? During this Covid era, Nancy and I have enjoyed watching TV programs showing updates and upgrades made to homes. Of course, that gave us some ideas of our own. One project was to enhance our fireplace from plain gas logs to a nicer option. We did our homework, found out what we wanted and ordered a unit to fit in our fireplace. That was January, 2021. We were told it would take six weeks for production.
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Written by Bob Roegner.
Here is how I began last month’s newsletter article: “As I reflect on my life having recently reached the age of 68, and within those 68 years having reached the 40th anniversary of my ordination as a missionary, mission executive, pastor, and currently as a Bible Teacher to Israel, it amazes me at how much of that time I have spent battling Satan and the spiritual warfare he has attempted to inflict on my life and career.”
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