Going for the Gold

Now that the 2022 drama of the Winter Olympics is over, we can look back at the years of preparation these elite athletes endured for just one shot at the coveted gold medal. As the old Wide World of Sports intro used to say, “The thrill of victory and the agony defeat!” While the world was captivated by the Olympic events, life continued - births, deaths, wars, rumors of wars, Covid continues, masks on, masks off, and lonely people become lonelier as feelings of isolation overwhelm.

Psalm 149:4 tells us that the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.

Imagine that, the humble are awarded a crown of victory for loving a life of humility before the Lord. This seems so contrary to the ways of this world… having the most or biggest or fastest or being on top after clawing our way up the ladder disregarding those whom we have climbed over. The ways of the world are not in the Lord’s economy of measuring things. We are part of an upside-down kingdom, seeking to serve others rather than being served for our own self-interests.

Nancy and I were recently on a long trip, and we met people from all over. Those who served the food and kept the rooms up were extremely humble, not taking anything for granted. They had been out of work for the past 18 months and are just now getting back on their feet. And much of the money they make is sent back to their home country where economies are even more hard hit.

The so-called golden rule of spiritual life is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and to love your neighbors as yourself. How are you love showing today? Many who name the name of Jesus seem so mumbly-grumbly that an on-looker might find it hard to know that they were a believer in Jesus. So how would that engage our world with witness to the Gospel?

During our trip, we met with three Jewish couples from different parts of the US. They were each unknowledgeable of the basics of the Gospel. We prayed that our life, love, and words of hope would plant seeds that the Lord would water through His holy spirit.

Where does this leave us as the Olympics become a memory? My prayer is that we would take up the torch and lift high the cross that more people will have their reservations in hell canceled and future hope in Jesus firmly established in their hearts.

cohen michaPlease Pray

Please pray for Micha and Leah Cohen, our son and daughter-in-law. Micha has been battling Huntington's disease for several years, and Leah is evaluating if this is the time for him to be in hospice care at the end-stage of his battle before his home-going to the Lord. They are in the Chicago-land area and have two beautiful daughters, Selah and Tikvah.



Steve Cohen is the founder of Apple of His Eye

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