End Bible Studies in Chuches!

Rev. Lo’s message was well received and some of his talk I will never forget. At one point he referred to new babies as “vipers in diapers”. They are highly demanding and can become the center of attention without saying a word, just crying.
Afterwards I approached him by his display in the fellowship area. During our brief conversation, he said something that captured my attention. “I believe that we Lutherans should stop Bible study. We go to classes, maybe even take notes. But then go about our week and disregard what we heard in class.”
Rather than “Bible Study, we need to change to Bible living.” I took this to mean that we should apply the scriptures to our daily life. Most people seem to be living with mental gymnastics on Sunday morning and then drawing a curtain to what we learned until we gather the next week for yet another Bible study.
What if we lived the great commission daily? What if we forgave others as Christ forgives us? What if we held our church to a higher standard than the world which is dragging us down to these days through spiritual erosion?
End Bible study? Start Bible living? What a refreshing perspective that is uplifting and glorifies what the Lord is saying and doing in our lives today. Others will indeed take notice.
Thank you, Pastor Lo!
Steve Cohen
Steve Cohen is the founder of Apple of His Eye
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